I’m adding a little variety to the gallery of classical art artists. About a month ago I found an article on the web about an unusual 3D painting exhibition Magic Art Special Exhibition Of China, which was held all summer 2012 in Hangzhou, in the south of China. One can argue about the subjects of the works, but it can be said unequivocally that it was a success. One of the aims of the exhibition was to create an unusual interactivity, that is, to make the viewer not just a bystander, but a direct participant of the three-dimensional images on display. The goal was achieved. There are a lot of photos with smiling visitors of the exhibition. In the posted photos are not just boring stories from the category “I was here” with an upright tourist in the center, but a kind of amateur theater, where momentary actors are trying to become a logical whole with the paintings. Lots of smiles and fun. Solid positivity.
One can say that all of these works and the very idea of the exhibition are very far from the high idea of art, but ….. But the initial goal of the exhibition is different. Here another classical idea rules – “BREAD AND GREAT!”.
And also, I decided to place this gallery for the reasons of usefulness for those artists who decorate interiors and make paintings on walls. I think that such elements of 3D painting can be very competently and effectively used in some design solutions. This is especially applicable to advertising projects….